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레이싱 시뮬에 대한 최신 정보를 이곳에서!



Assetto Corsa 테크놀러지 프리뷰 버젼 다운로드 가능 합니다.

차량은 Lotus Elise SC

트랙은 Magione 가 제공된다고 하네요.

키보드, xbox360패드, 조이스틱, 레이싱핸들 등등을 지원합니다.


다운로드 링크는 본문에 링크를 클릭하시면 됩니다.


The long awaited moment is here. Kunos Simulazioni released the Technology Preview of Assetto Corsa for current owners of netKar Pro. Grab your paycode, read the instructions below and go nuts!


What is the AC Technology Preview?

It is a playable, no-time limited benchmark that allow gamers to get their first taste of Assetto Corsa engine. This version includes one car, one track, different difficulty levels and two play modes: free practice and time attack. Playing this version and reporting back feedback, benchmarks and bugs, players allow the development team to fix issues and improve the final version of Assetto Corsa, before its release.

Who can access this AC Technology Preview?

Who has purchased a copy of netKar PRO since 2006 can use his netKar Pro activation code to activate the AC Tech Preview.

All gamers who will purchase a copy of netKar PRO until March 1 will receive the link to download the AC Tech Preview for free: until March, 1, they will be able to buy a copy of netKar PRO for just 4,99 Eur, saving 70% of the full price.

Game features

This software allow gamers to drive the Lotus Elise SC on the italian track of Magione, reproduced using the advanced Laserscan Technology. This version is compatible with keyboard, Xpad 360, joysticks, steering wheels and any kind of customizable game devices.

Minimum PC requirements

Windows Vista / 7 / 8 Operative System
CPU: Intel Celeron
RAM: 2 Gigabytes
DirectX 11 graphics card (ex: Nvidia GTS 450 / AMD Radeon HD5770) NOTE: AC graphics engine supports also DirectX 10.1 compatible graphic cards (ATI 4800 HD / Nvidia 8600 GT)

Click here to download the AC Tech Preview (mirror 2, mirror 3, mirror 4)

Click here to visit the Assetto Corsa forums for any feedback, support and other questions you might have.







title: GT6데미갓 2013-03-01 오전 11:08

곧 PC가 조립될 예정, 저도 프카를 해볼수 있을거같아요 ㅎ

아세토 도 !!



title: GT6환영술사 2013-03-01 오전 11:36

엡실론님 제보로 원문에 있지만 못보고 지나친 내용 추가합니다.


데모를 플레이 할려면 넷카프로페이먼트 코드가 있어야 하네요.


혹시나 하고 데모를 실행해 봤지만 게임메뉴에서 넷카프로페이먼트 코드를 입력하라고 나오네요.


OverAttack 2013-03-01 오후 13:55

그린라이트 투표완료.... 가격을 얼마에 팔지 지켜봐야겠습니다.


title: iRacing 로고거친펜촉 2013-03-01 오후 23:58

아 코드가 있어야 하는건가.;;;

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