게임 뉴스

레이싱 시뮬에 대한 최신 정보를 이곳에서!




[동영상은 그란투리스모6 게임스컴 2013 동영상입니다.]



Gran Turismo 6 on PlayStation 4 may evolve into GT7

Polyphony says it may take some time, however.

Gran Turismo developer Polyphony has said that it already has a PlayStation 4 version of GT6 in mind, but by the time it releases it may have evolved into GT7.

Polyphony boss Kazunori Yamauchi made the comments during a Gamescom 2013 panel attended by Joystiq, but warned that a next-gen Gran Turismo 6 (or, by then, GT7) was still a long way off.


It will take some time to arrive, he said, and by that time the "vision" of GT6 may have evolved further.

그란6 PS4 버전 어쩌면 그란7이될수도 있다.



이게 원문인것 같습니다.


 we start work on Gran Turismo for the PS4, perhaps it will be GT7, at that point I guess we’ll start to look [at] the peak performance for the PS4. 

PS4 그란 개발시작되었고 아마도 그란7이 될것입니다.




1차 http://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2013-08-23-gran-turismo-6-on-playstation-4-may-evolve-into-gt7

2차 http://bbs2.ruliweb.daum.net/gaia/do/ruliweb/default/news/519/read?articleId=1176527&objCate1=&bbsId=G003&searchKey=subjectNcontent&itemGroupId=30&itemId=&sortKey=depth&searchValue=%EA%B7%B8%EB%9E%80&platformId=&pageIndex=1



2차 http://bbs2.ruliweb.daum.net/gaia/do/ruliweb/default/ps/93/read?bbsId=G003&itemId=1&articleId=1176832


title: GT6시루떡 2013-08-24 오후 13:23

흔한 우려먹기 종결.....

그란7은 스탠다드 전부가 없어지고 리메이크됫으면 좋겟네요

오돌이 2013-08-24 오후 15:18

배경 리얼리티가 좋아진 것 같네요. 한 2년은 기다려야겠죠?

PS4 그란투리스모 개발시작 아마 그란7이 될것이다.

[동영상은 그란투리스모6 게임스컴 2013 동영상입니다.] Gran Turismo 6 on PlayStation 4 may evolve into GT7 Polyphony says it may take some time, however. Gran Turismo developer Polyphony has said that i...

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