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Mercedes-Benz AMG Brings Three New Cars to Gran Turismo 6

Gran Turismo 6 May 22nd, 2013 by Terronium-12

It’s easy to lose track of things when you’re still coming off of the sheer excitement surrounding the GT6 reveal at Silverstone last week, and it’s possible that you may have missed this interesting bit of news regarding the muscle Mercedes-Benz’s AMG division is bringing to GT6.

In addition to the SLS AMG GT3 we’ve already seen in the GT6 launch trailer, a Mercedes-Benz press release also confirms both the E63 AMG and A45 AMG will be making their first-time appearances in the game.

For a closer look at the two new vehicles making their way into GT6, check out the videos below:

The new models should be a delight to take around the track with the improvements made to the tire and suspension models, and the SLS GT3 was already present both on track at Silverstone courtesy of professional racing driver and AMG Driving Academy instructor Jan Seyffarth, and on the virtual track in the current development build of GT6.

지티플래닛의 내용을 퍼왔습니다.

물론 더 나오겠지만 일단 3대의 신규 차종을 발표했군요. 그중 한대는 이미 트레일러 영상으로 익숙한 SLS GT3.


- E63 AMG

- A45 AMG


title: GT6환영술사 2013-05-23 오후 20:50

신규차종이라 읽고 프리미엄이라 씁니다.

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