게임 뉴스

레이싱 시뮬에 대한 최신 정보를 이곳에서!

Finally, we get to see what happens when a real player of the Gran Turismo series sits down with its creator, Kazunori Yamauchi.  As winner of the GT5 Prologue Middle East Challenge, Ahmed Al Azmi was invited to Polyphony Digital’s studios in Japan to check out where the game is made.  He also got one-on-one time with Yamauchi, and asked him real questions that your average gaming journalist wouldn’t even understand.  Of course, he doesn’t drop any bombshells, but it’s still a fascinating and revealing discussion.  Read Ahmed’s full interview for all the pictures and impressions.  We’ve gathered some of the most important facts and other tidbits below:

The Nürburgring Nordschleife will NOT be made available until the full release of Gran Turismo 5.
Kazunori laughed at the notion of a 2010 release date for Gran Turismo 5, and said it will be released sooner than expected.
Polyphony Digital does use online forums and reviews (like GTPlanet) to gather player feedback and impressions of the games.
Private online races are coming, but it may not be until the full game is released.
Yamauchi confirmed the existence of the “rubber band effect”, and elaborated a bit on its implementation.  For example, this performance boost consists of a slight increase in power and grip and is applied when the driver is more than 2 seconds behind the race leader.  As you might expect, he cited more competitive online races as justification for the “feature”, which can and is turned off in some events.
While discussing the rubber band effect, Yamauchi mentioned that it will obviously not be enabled for online races which feature qualifying laps, nearly confirming this feature sometime in the future.
Porsche (that’s right… Porsche) have stated that they do not have a problem with their cars being damaged in the game.  Ferrari, however, are being more stubborn and could be a source of delay in damage implementation.  Of course, that isn’t consistent with Forza or Ferrari Challenge, which has shown damage on the Italian cars for some time now.
After the “interview”, Ahmed was given the chance to drive both the Nürburgring and Circuit de la Sarthe with updated physics and high-definition graphics in a development version of the game.  As if that wasn’t enough, Yamauchi presented Ahmed with a signed, unreleased ceramic white PlayStation 3 and PSP.  Once again, see Ahmed’s forum post for all the details and impressions from his incredible trip.

- 2010 보다 빨리 릴리즈 될것
- 데미지 모델링 엔진에서 폴쉐가 페라리보다 긍정적인것
- 뉘르는 스펙  업데이트에는 없을것

원제 2008-11-01 오후 12:53

뉘르는 스펙 업데이트에는 없을것 뉘르는 스펙 업데이트에는 없을것 뉘르는 스펙 업데이트에는 없을것 뉘르는 스펙 업데이트에는 없을것
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 역시 쉽게 줄만한 코스가 아니군요 -_-;; 심지어 유료로라도 제공해주징 아쉽네요

razor1911 2008-11-02 오전 00:29

저는 데미지 모델링 보다는 포르세/람보르기니 라이센스 확보되는 쪽이 훨씬 기쁠 것 같습니다.
데미지는 구현에 드는 노력에 비해서 얻는 실익이 별로 없다고 생각합니다.

Rhmave 2008-11-02 오전 00:59

뉴르에대한 기다림을 확실히 꺽어주시네요 T_T..

title: 애니팡 로고수털 2008-11-03 오후 13:37

razor님에 동감.

keipi 2008-11-03 오후 14:18

그래도 데미지는 그란이 더 발전하기위해 언젠가는 넣어야할 요소지요..

그란투리스모의 영향력이 더욱 커지게되면 페라리던 포르쉐던 따라올 수 밖에없을겁니다.

저는 일단 넣는쪽에 한표.

dony 2008-11-12 오후 20:18

그렇지요..데미지 쪽에도 개선돼야 합니다 저의 좁은 식견일지 몰라도

리틀그란 2008-12-18 오전 11:10


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Finally, we get to see what happens when a real player of the Gran Turismo series sits down with its creator, Kazunori Yamauchi. As winner of the GT5 Prologue Middle East Challenge, Ahmed Al Azmi was ...

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