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레이싱 시뮬에 대한 최신 정보를 이곳에서!

Gran Turismo 6 GPS Data Logger at Streets of Willow Springs

GTPlanet에 추가로 적힌 정보들을 미흡한 실력이지만 요약 번역중입니다.

이 글은 스마트폰앱을 통해 gps를 이용한 코스메이커에 대한 설명

-20km*20km 규모의 코스 제작 가능

-스마트폰 운동어플 (걷거나 뛰는 걸 측정하는 어플)처럼 작동

  그란6는 그 데이터를 변환해서 게임에서 즐길수 있는 트랙으로 만들어준다

-당신의 출퇴근길, 좋아하는 도로 등을 거의 1:1스케일로 재창조할수 있다.

In last weeks’ GT6 info blowout, a radical and exciting new feature was quietly confirmed to be coming in an update for the game and its companion mobile apps:

“This feature, available at a later stage through an update, will allow you to create your own custom tracks that can be driven in the game. Additionally, in another update we will add the possibility to generate a track by capturing the GPS coordinate data of a mobile app while you are driving that course. This GPS-generated tracks will be available in the game as playable content.”

This puts the massive area of Gran Turismo 6‘s all-new Course Maker into perspective. In his most recent interview with GTPlanet in September, Kazunori Yamauchi said the likely area would be approximately 20×20 kilometers in size.

U.S. Gran Turismo producer Taku Imasaki confirmed the GPS Course Maker apps would work much like many fitness apps available, which record your run or walk by determining your altitude and relative location as you move. GT6 will then translate this data, turning it into a track you can drive in the game.

Needless to say, the possibilities are nearly infinite, as players will be able to re-create streets they drive to work, their favorite drive, or their favorite stretch of a local highway at a nearly 1-to-1 scale.

GTPlanet’s community has been discussing their plans – join the conversation here and share your ideas and favorite roads!

GT5 Photomode image by el.Fayce.

이 글은 위 출처 영상에 대한 설명입니다

-영상에 사용된 Scion FR-S 차량은 GT6과 호환되는 ECU가 장착된 차량.

-혼란을 줄이려면 GPS Data Logger과 GPS 코스메이커간의 작용이 필요하다.

(GPS-enabled features in Gran Turismo 6 – this GPS Data Logger and the GPS Course Maker 붉은색 글씨를 GPS의 부연설명으로 봐야하는지 잘 모르겠네요;;)

 원문 : (To clear up any confusion, there will be two separate GPS-enabled features in Gran Turismo 6 – this GPS Data Logger and the GPS Course Maker. This article is only about the Data Logger)

-GPS Data Logger이 장착된 실제 차량 FR-S를 탑승하여 코스주행을 기록 (이것이 GT6에 전송되어 위 영상의 우측, 하단 영상으로 표현된 것.)

-실제 주행으로 기록된 데이터들은 GT6내에서 수 분내에서 처리되어 나타난다.

-GT6유저 대부분이 사용할수 있는 기능은 아니지만( 위에서도 밝혔다시피 해당 차량은 GT6와 호환되는 ECU가 장착되었다고 한것으로 보아 해당 ECU 장착된 차량만 지원하는듯) 레이서들이 분석하는데에 Data Logger이 유용한 도구라는걸 볼수있었던 체험.

(+추가내용  현재는 토요타의 CAN-Gateway ECU만 지원, 코스 메이커는 자체적으로 GPS데이터 등을 이용해 코스를 만드는 기능이고 위의 영상과 관련해서는 GPS 데이터 로거 (공식 사이트에서는GPS 비주얼라이저라고 나와있네요.) 라는 기능이 적용 됩니다. GPS 위치정보와 실제차량 내에서 차량의 움직임을 제어하는 CAN(CAN: Controller Area Network, used to regulate automobile systems)이라는 장비의 데이터를 이용에 현실의 서킷에서 달린 데이터를 그란내에서 리플레이로 시각화해 준다고 합니다. 이 기술은 예전부터 테스트 해왔는데 6부터 적용이 되네요. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=gNR6SmhN_RM , http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=fTz3myFxegA 

위의 두 영상이 테스트 영상입니다. 본문 글을 보니 실제차량의 ECU 데이터와도 연동이 되는 것 같고 아직까지는 토요타의 일부 차량에 한해서 가능한 것 같네요. 야마우치가 차차 다른 메이커로 이 기술을 확대한다는 언급을 한적이 있습니다. Hybrid Theory님 정보추가)

GTPlanet was invited to test Gran Turismo 6‘s new GPS Data Logger functionality during a special preview event at Willow Springs. As part of the event, I had the honor of being one the first members of the public to try out the new feature and to drive a version of the Scion FR-S equipped with a GT6-compatible ECU.

Note: To clear up any confusion, there will be two separate GPS-enabled features in Gran Turismo 6 – this GPS Data Logger and the GPS Course Maker. This article is only about the Data Logger; click here to learn more about the Course Maker.

The event began with a small presentation from U.S. Gran Turismo producer Taku Imasaki and Tetsuya Tada, the “father” of the FR-S himself. (Kazunori Yamauchi wasn’t able to attend the event – he’s back at Polyphony Digital’s headquarters in Japan, focused on finishing up GT6.)

As Tada-san explained, the FR-S is an unusual car for Toyota. It wasn’t designed by a committee or focus-group – it was designed by enthusiasts, for enthusiasts, with the goal of creating a car that’s fun to drive, affordable, and easy to customize. He recognized the importance of the car as a “platform” in and of itself, which could host not just physical modifications but third-party “apps” and software.

Tada-san asked his friend, Gran Turismo creator Kazunori Yamauchi, if he’d like to be involved in such a collaborative project, and GT6‘s GPS Data Logger function was first born.

After the presentation, I had a chance to play what Taku Imasaki described as the “final” version of GT6 (click here for my impressions of the game). It contained the new “Streets of Willow Springs” – a shorter, more technical track next to the more famous “Big Willow” course. (I was also told that Polyphony Digital scanned all courses at Willow Springs, though it’s not yet decided if all will be digitally rebuilt for the game.)

This gave me a chance to learn the basic layout of the track before heading out to record my own laps in a real FR-S equipped with the GPS Data Logger.

To say the experience of driving a track in Gran Turismo while only steps away from the real thing was quite a unique experience. Although you’re just over an hour’s drive from Los Angeles, Willow Springs feels like it’s in the middle of nowhere. It probably wasn’t the most challenging environment Polyphony Digital ever had to re-create, but the stark landscape is sharply accurate. Every bump, camber, and curb has been digitized with care.

I eagerly jumped into a white FR-S with an instructor and we rolled off for a few laps. My car was equipped with an automatic gearbox, which – aside from some odd gear changes – was great to drive. The Streets circuit is tight and fun; it’s absolutely perfect for a nimble car like the FR-S. I was just getting comfortable with the car and track when my time was up; we pulled back into the pits, where engineers from Toyota and Polyphony Digital exported my driving data to a standard USB drive.

Back inside, a Polyphony Digital engineer who’s been working exclusively on the Data Logger downloaded the data back into a PlayStation 3 running a special build of GT6. (As anyone who closely follows Gran Turismo knows, it’s quite rare for Polyphony Digital employees to be present at press events, as these are typically handled by local Sony Computer Entertainment staff. For myself, it was a treat to interact with someone within the company, and I found him to be as kind, professional, and passionate about his work as Kazunori Yamauchi himself.)

My data was imported and processed in a few minutes. I expected the replay to start when I actually pulled on the track surface itself, but no – it started in the parking lot! My entire drive onto and off the track was recorded. After having been confined to track boundaries in Gran Turismo games for years, it was a bit of a surprise to see the car driving through the surrounding barriers and gates.

Watching your real-world lap in GT6 is a startling reminder of how slow you really are, offering a rare and uncanny perspective of just how much we tend to over-drive virtual cars. It’s something that every sim-racing enthusiast should experience.

Critics of this feature will be quick to note it isn’t something that most people who play GT6 will be able to use. That’s true, but it’s now immediately clear to me how this Data Logger can be a valuable tool for enthusiasts and club racers looking to analyze their driving. To think this technology is integrated into affordable, widely-available consumer products like the PS3 and GT6 makes it all the more impressive,

You’re not just looking at a recorded video or telemetry data – you see a 3D, visual representation of what you’re doing on the track, and you can see how that differs from what you do in the game, free of fear.

This isn’t just a “gee-whiz”, fun toy you can use to impress your friends – this is a real driving analysis tool, the likes of which have not really been seen before.

Although it’s limited to special editions of the FR-S for now, and there are still a fair amount of bugs to be worked out and refinements to be made, Polyphony Digital has a chance to fundamentally change the way drivers analyze and e-valuate their performance.

It re-enforces Kazunori Yamauchi’s notion that the divide between “real” and “virtual” is quickly being closed, and Gran Turismo is at the forefront of bridging that gap. Even though you might not have a chance to use this functionality yourself, I think Polyphony Digital’s investment in this futuristic technology will pay dividends for all fans over the long run in ways that none of us may be able to realize just yet. Gran Turismo isn’t just a game anymore.

출처 : 



title: GT6시루떡 2013-11-18 오전 00:44

86 사면 플삼은 꼭 필구템이겟네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

(아 그러고보니 카페에 86오너분 계시지 않으셧나..?!


나짱돌이 2013-11-18 오후 20:38

멋지군요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ


328mt 2013-11-30 오전 05:11

To clear up any confusion, there will be two separate GPS-enabled features in Gran Turismo 6 – this GPS Data Logger and the GPS Course Maker. This article is only about the Data Logger

헷갈리실까봐 우선 설명하자면, gt6에는 GPS를 이용하는 별개의 두 가지의 기능이 들어간다 - GPS데이타로거 그리고 GPS코스메이커. 이 글은 only 'GPS데이타로거'에 관한 글이다.

데이타로거쪽은 뭐 gt6에 국내 서킷이 없으니 86이 있어도 그림의떡이네요.

그에 비해 코스메이커쪽은 기대가 좀 되긴 하는데.... 5코스메이커에 워낙 실망을해서..

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